Wednesday 18 March 2020

Preparation of Vermi composting

About Vermi Composting
                  Vermi Composting  is the process converting wastes into compost by use of earthworms. Good Quality compost is produced in short period depending upon the number of earthworms. In other words 4-5 kg of wastes composted by 1000 earthworms (approximately 1 kg) in a day. The commonly used earthworms like Eudrillus sp. Perionyx sp., Eisenia sp, or any locally available surface feeding (epigeic) earthworms can be collected from the nearby soil and then used in vermi composting.

                   Vermi composting can be undertaken in a tank or on the soil surface. The tank can be constructed with bricks or stones on the availability of the materials. The height of the tank should be 0.75 meters, width 1 meter and length can be 3-4 meters or even more. The base of the tank should have a slight slope directing towards two drainage holes. A simple and efficient method of Vermi composting is well known in the rural villages of the India.