Thursday 5 March 2020

Sweet potato grown from root slices

Finally succeeded in growing sprouts from the sweet potato cuttings.
Failed in few attempts.

Method we followed to grow sweet potato sprouts:

* Purchased sweet potato from the local farmer market nearby.
* Made sweet potato into few pieces with nodes using knife.
* Folded the sweet potato peices with wet gunny bag.
* Left it until we saw little green sprout on the nodes.
* After that planted in the soil. (Loosen the soil before planting)
* The below image showing 20 days sprout after transplanting.
* This was the big peice of sweet potato, thus many nodes with sprouts.

Methods which have failed

* Purchased sweet potato in market and made into peices by hand. After that
directly covered root with top soil. watered the roots. But didnt grown. They
have wilted and decomposed. Dont know might be due to rain or tight soil or due
to slugs.

Edit: didn't grown well due to eucalyptus tree shade in summer.