Saturday 28 March 2020

How to avoid cross pollination between two varieties

Cross Pollination

Cross pollination is pollination that happens between plants, where the pollen from the male part of a plant pollinates the female flower of another plant. This process  can happen naturally or it can be induced. Cross pollination of different types of plants happens when two types of closely related plants pollinate each other, for example: Two different types of green leaf vegetables, two different types of corn, or a pumpkin plant and a squash plant. If this happens, the seed that is produced may be good, but more often the seed will be weaker than the parent plants, or may not grow at all when planted. Therefore, it is best to avoid cross pollination happening.

Here green variety zucchini cross pollinated with yellow variety zucchini.
By the same way cross pollination occurs in most of the vegetables. Some of them are pumpkin, brinjal, bottlegourd, cucumber, etc....

A few techniques for reducing the chance of different types of plants cross pollinating:

• Plant one type of crop each planting season. For example, one type of corn or one type of eggplant

• Green leaf vegetables, lettuce and cabbage flower at the end of their life. Let only one type of green vegetable, one type of lettuce, or one type of cabbage reach the stage to flower and produce seeds

• If different types of plants are further apart, and many other plants are planted in between them, the chances of cross pollination are reduced

• Hand pollination, such as of pumpkins, melons, luffa and cucumber will allow you to choose the type of seed which will be produced