Saturday 14 November 2020

Malabar spinach growing guide | Ceylon spinach | ABCD farming |

Guide to grow Malabar Spinach 

Here, Let us discuss on procedure to grow Malabar spinach. Malabar spinach is also known as Indian or ceylon spinach. They are fast growing creepers, which are perennials in nature and they are native to Asia. Most of the people chew the raw leaves of these spinach variety. They are mainly used in salads. The stems of this vine is reddish purple in color. They can grow upto 10 feet height.

It is a fast Growing plant which has twining vine and grows up to 15 feet long. Malabar spinach is a Perennial and grows well in hotter climates. In cold climates, the malabar spinach creepers remains smaller in most of the gardens. The leaves texture is heart shaped.

The edible leaves (and shoots) of Basella alba resemble spinach with a mild, slightly peppery flavor with a hint of citrus and are used in the same way. The young leaves can be eaten raw mixed in a green salad, and steamed or boiled to be used like cooked spinach. Because of the mucilagenous nature, it can also be used to thicken soups and stews. Some people do not like the somewhat slimy texture of the cooked leaves (reminiscent of cooked okra) and others recommend adding a small amount of vinegar to the cooked leaves to make it more palatable. The leaves can be eaten throughout the season, but once plants start flowering, the leaves become bitter.

This warm season vegetable is very frost sensitive and should not be planted outdoors until a few weeks after all danger of frost has passed. Start seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost. Seeds should germinate in 10 days to 3 weeks. Mechanical scarifi cation to open the tough seed coat (such as with a fi le, sharp knife or sandpaper) will hasten germination, as will soaking them in water overnight before planting. Transplant in the garden once the soil has warmed, placing plants at least a foot apart. Plants will not grow much until the heat of summer, and will not do much when night temperatures are consistently below 60F. This plant roots readily where the stems touch moist soil and is easily propagated from tip cuttings which root readily in water.

Malabar seeds 

Seeds of Malabar spinach are small and dark purple in colour.