Today feeling little bit happier.
I got the job which i thought. Now i can be a part time farmer. I can work in fields from early morning to 10 AM. And then i have a good job in a reputed company 12 noon to 8 PM. flexible time to work. By god's grace everything is happening Fine.
Eucalyptus trees are chopped off.
Roots are sold, and the land will be levelled within 2 to 3 days.
2 months before it rained heavily. due to that our village storage lake has been filled.
And also the pathways are filled. due to that we would not able to install pipeline from my brothers borewell to my land.
Expecting that the water in the pathway will be drained before the end of january.
Thinking of to build cob house in the farm whether the wattle and daub type or Adobe type.
Little bit confused whether to do MONO culture farming or to adapt MARKET GARDENS.
The land is about 80 cents. looking to make 180 raised beds which is 1M width and 10M length.
Like to follow permaculture (no till farming and organic) no usage of chemicals.
Looking to grow foods in organic way.
I got the job which i thought. Now i can be a part time farmer. I can work in fields from early morning to 10 AM. And then i have a good job in a reputed company 12 noon to 8 PM. flexible time to work. By god's grace everything is happening Fine.
Eucalyptus trees are chopped off.
Roots are sold, and the land will be levelled within 2 to 3 days.
2 months before it rained heavily. due to that our village storage lake has been filled.
And also the pathways are filled. due to that we would not able to install pipeline from my brothers borewell to my land.
Expecting that the water in the pathway will be drained before the end of january.
Thinking of to build cob house in the farm whether the wattle and daub type or Adobe type.
Little bit confused whether to do MONO culture farming or to adapt MARKET GARDENS.
The land is about 80 cents. looking to make 180 raised beds which is 1M width and 10M length.
Like to follow permaculture (no till farming and organic) no usage of chemicals.
Looking to grow foods in organic way.